Living the Life of Pi
Every time Louis Boston II heard the Westinghouse Castle bells chime near the home where he grew up, he felt a kindred bond to inventors, like Nikola Tesla. In fact he felt very much inspired by those bells, which in later years were in part responsible for his attending Syracuse University, where he received a degree in telecommunications. After spending years traveling, seeing lots of the world, Louis is now back in his own "back yard," and doing great things. Artistic things, in fact. He's recently launched a series of artworks based on the mathematical equation of Pi.GA/GI calls him "The Pi Master."
"I enjoy an the entire range of mathematical topics. Pi, binary codes, Mathematical constants, formulas and anomalies, and prime numbers too." And out of his fascination with numbers, grew some very compelling art, which is constantly expanding.
"GA/GI Fest will be my first opportunity to showcase my work to the public. I am very excited about it!" Boston will be showcasing at EDGE Studios, 5411 Penn Avenue, along with other local artists, and his Pi art is for sale! Meet him on Friday, April 4 at EDGE Studios, which recently joined GBBN Architects, winners of numerous state and local design awards. Read all about it here.
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